FILE 2/47 |
File information | |
Filename: | 0461_m.jpg |
Album name: | Sibirinė gaga (Polysticta stelleri) Steller's Eider |
Filesize: | 132 KiB |
Date added: | Mar 21, 2016 |
Dimensions: | 1200 x 773 pixels |
Displayed: | 210 times |
DateTime Original: | 2016:03:11 11:39:39 |
Exposure Mode: | 0 |
Exposure Program: | Aperture Priority |
Exposure Time: | 1/2500 sec |
FNumber: | f/7.1 |
Focal length: | 420 mm |
ISO: | 320 |
Model: | Canon EOS 5D Mark III |
White Balance: | 0 |
URL: | |
Favorites: | Add to Favorites |
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