FILE 100/122 |
File information | |
Filename: | RE5_1478_4.jpg |
Album name: | Remigijus Gegelevičius / Ausuotasis kragas (Podiceps cristatus) Great Crested Grebe |
Keywords: | Ausuotasis / kragas / Podiceps / cristatus / Great / Crested / Grebe |
Filesize: | 124 KiB |
Date added: | Jan 28, 2020 |
Dimensions: | 1400 x 933 pixels |
Displayed: | 128 times |
DateTime Original: | 2019:04:22 07:27:33 |
Exposure Mode: | 0 |
Exposure Program: | Aperture Priority |
Exposure Time: | 1/800 sec |
FNumber: | f/6.3 |
Focal length: | 500 mm |
ISO: | 400 |
Model: | Canon EOS 5DS R |
White Balance: | 0 |
URL: | |
Favorites: | Add to Favorites |
Comment 1 to 1 of 1 Page: 1 |
Tiku nepasimoviau girdamas Sadovniką, bet žiūru čia Remiuko bandymas spardytis. Iš vilienskio noriu gerokai daugiau.
Comment 1 to 1 of 1 Page: 1 |